Friday, June 14, 2024

Blog Post #4

Ted Talk Response to Issues With Internet and Privacy

Top Cybersecurity Threats [2023]The TED talks by Juan Enriquez, Catherine Crump, Christopher Soghoian, Darieth Chisholm, Andy Yen, and Finn Lützow-Holm Myrstad all raise critical issues about privacy, surveillance, and the permanence of our digital lives. These talks highlight the implications of living in a digitally connected world where our online activities, personal data, and communications are constantly monitored and can be exploited. Juan Enriquez's talk on how our online life is as permanent as a tattoo underscores the enduring nature of digital footprints. Everything we share online can be stored and accessed indefinitely, which can impact our reputations and opportunities. This permanence affects not only individuals but also families and friends, who might inadvertently share sensitive information that could be misused. 

Most Common Cyber Security Threats ...

Catherine Crump discusses how police track small but dangerous details about individuals, such as location data from license plate readers. This surveillance can lead to privacy violations and unwarranted scrutiny, impacting everyday freedoms. Similarly, Christopher Soghoian explains how our phones can be used for surveillance, revealing personal information without our knowledge. This pervasive monitoring affects everyone, from tech-savvy individuals to those less aware of digital privacy issues. Darieth Chisholm's talk on revenge porn highlights the devastating personal impact of intimate images being shared without consent. This issue affects victims' mental health and personal relationships, emphasizing the need for stronger legal protections and societal awareness. 

Andy Yen's discussion on email privacy reveals how vulnerable our communications are to interception and exploitation. With tech companies often failing to prioritize user privacy, our personal and professional correspondences are at risk. Finn Lützow-Holm Myrstad further elaborates on how tech companies deceive users into giving up their data, highlighting the manipulative practices that erode trust and privacy. Common Cybersecurity Issues That ...

These issues affect my friends, family, and me by making us more vulnerable to identity theft, cyberbullying, and unwarranted surveillance. This is especially more of a risk for grandparents and those who did not really grow up in the age of technology. this generation does not know how to safely use internet services and are at more of a risk for some of the downfalls explained in the Ted talks. The government should implement stricter regulations to protect personal data, enforce transparency in data collection practices, and hold companies accountable for privacy breaches. Legislation should also provide more protections against revenge porn and other forms of online abuse. 

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To protect ourselves from invasions of privacy, we can take several proactive measures. For example we could use encryption for communications, being mindful of the information we share online, and utilizing privacy-focused tools and services can help safeguard our data. Additionally, raising awareness about digital privacy and advocating for stronger privacy laws are crucial steps in protecting ourselves and our communities from the threats highlighted in these TED talks.


Juan Enriquez: Your online life, permanent as a tattoo

Catherine Crump: The small and surprisingly dangerous detail the police track about you

Christopher Soghoian: How to avoid surveillance…with your phone in your pocket

Darieth Chisholm: How revenge porn turns lives upside down

Andy Yen: Think your email's private? Think again

Finn Lützow-Holm Myrstad: How tech companies deceive you into giving up your data and privacy

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